Friday, March 9, 2012

Disneyland to Angel Park Anaheim?

We are staying at one of the hotels near disneyland and need to get to Angel Park for a Supercross. This in in Jan 08. How would we best get there? Walk/Cab/Public Transport? Please help?Disneyland to Angel Park Anaheim?
It is 2.2 miles from Disneyland to Angels Stadium. The AMA Supercross is held on a Saturday evening. There is no public transit between these two points. You have to either walk, or use a taxi.

However, most of the larger hotels in the Disneyland area have a shuttle van that takes guests to Disneyland. If your hotel has such a shuttle van, perhaps you can persuade them to take you to Angels Stadium. Most of these types of events end around 11:00 pm so make sure the van still operates at that time.
It might be a bit of a walk, so I would probably get a cab. Shouldn't cost you much, maybe around 10 - 15 bucks.Disneyland to Angel Park Anaheim?
Firstable, welcome to Anaheim, California.

Walking from Disneyland to the Angel's Stadium is not impossible, but it is not worth trying. Please take a taxi on Harbor Blvd. (the big street outside Disneyland) or you could have your hotel manager arrange car service for you.

Have fun in Anaheim.
take a cab to Angel's stadium. It should not be too expensive.
I'd say walking wouldnt be a very good option. Driving from Disneyland to Angel Park is about 15 minutes so it would be a bit of a walk. There is no public transport availabe (it has been stated why in previous answers), so you would have to either walk for about 30 minutes or take a cab.
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