Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is America corrupted and since when?

Go to We are getting screwed so badly by those we elect and the systems that have been in place since the early 1900's. It really doesn't matter who we vote for, whoever is President is just the person at the top of the food chain.

I urge you all to read "Creature from Jekyll Island A Second Look at The Federal Reserve"

by G. Edward Griffin

The offers tested and factual news, info on many topics not reported in the mainstream media. Is America corrupted and since when?
America has been corrupted for a long period of time.

History has proved that a good democracy can only last for about 200 years....we're nearly forty years past that and America is falling apart.

EDIT: Chatty82, I have to argue your statement. Just because *some* southerners are illiterate, doesn't mean they all are. The south is a beautiful part of our country. You cannot judge a person by where they live.

It is true that there are some very sad parts of our country that have been rather, untouched by society.....they are poor and unfortuante, and they need our help, not our criticism. If you're going to criticize, why don't you go do something about it yourself.

You've made a sweeping assumption that all southerners are illiterate hillbillies. I'll not have it! Your statement is so heinous it made me want to vomit when I read it.
You should visit the South. Most of the people there are illiterate in English and never went to school They have never heard that America declared independence from England (and Ireland), that the slaves were free, and they say "slave" to white people that witches want to possess, they don't know that the witches were burned at the stake, that sodomy was aginst public law at one time, they don't know about the civil rights movements or womens' rights. Women stay in the whorehouse and men practice gross misogeny. There are financial aspects of this, they also don't know that being a communist was aginst the law at one time and prostitues in a syndicate I know of turn in everything they make to Communist Albania and get their makeup and shampoo from the "shillls" they possess. Or want to!Is America corrupted and since when?
I'm not reading that, but yeah, our government is extremely corrupt. but there is a difference between McCain and Obama. The system isn't so airtight as your argument indicates. It's a living, breathing, changing thing. We can heal it, by voting out the old, and voting in new members of congress, and even in the face of election fraud we can win the Presidential elections with landslide victories. We can learn and teach and expose liars and corrupt officials, and we can stand and protest and give our money to good causes. And we can talk and think and discuss on forums like this one, which, in China or Russia we couldn't! It's not that bad...yet.
Since President Wilson and congress were bamboozled into accepting the FRB.
Since well before Abraham Lincoln committed treason by waging war against the states, that's for certain.

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