Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why do U.S. federal income tax advocates refuse to acknowledge the historical facts evidencing that such a tax?

was unnecessary prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and implemented only in times of war? The U.S. Federal Government was able to fund its Manifest Destiny, related economic expansions %26amp; responsibly balance its budget. There is overwhelming historical evidence that factually documents that the IRS %26amp; federal income tax (post 1912) were established for means other than "their published stated purposes" directly connecting the creators %26amp; supporters of the Federal Reserve System with the tax and its legislation and all conduits of the power elite's banking cartel.

With so much evidence substantiating that America could have %26amp; should have financed its industrial expansion without needing a federal income tax* and could have done so using a precious metal backed monetary system coupled with very limited fractional banking, what possible legitimate reasons can federal tax advocates make?

They keep repeating themselves that "there are federal government services that if you want them, you have to pay for them...I am not disputing that, per say, I am disputing that those services have to be paid for by federal income tax, as HISTORICAL FACT CLEARLY PROVES OTHERWISE.

Attn: Federal Income Tax abolition advocates, please provide evidence to support your position as well in support of the question's premise or your own.

Source: The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - by G. Edward Griffin

*Regarding wars %26amp; financing our military, I list an independent source above which includes definitivel proof that WW I %26amp; most likely WW II were unnecesary for the U.S., as its involvement was clearly allowed to be manipulated %26amp; was orchestrated. I realize that our involvement in WW II ultimately helped to stop Hitler.Why do U.S. federal income tax advocates refuse to acknowledge the historical facts evidencing that such a tax?
When you write things like "all conduits of the power elite's banking cartel", you undercut the power of your argument.

The very basis of the book you source, "The Aldrich Plan which the secret meeting produced was even defeated in the House, so even if the Jekyll Island affair was a genuine conspiracy, it clearly failed."

Direct rebuttal the book The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - by G. Edward Griffin can be found at the first link.

You can also find out more about G. Edward Griffin, like his promotion of Laetrile, and his 1992 documentary, "The Discovery of Noah's Ark",

at the second link
I ran out of characters:

My rebuttal source re: Joe C.'s source: Political Research Associates:…

Casino: Brilliantly obscurely accurate! Hilarious! Marvin the Martian %26amp; especially Porquemo %26amp; ATJ: TY for top RESEARCH, TRUTH %26amp; INSPIRATION

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Why do U.S. federal income tax advocates refuse to acknowledge the historical facts evidencing that such a tax?
Income tax advocates hate achievement by private citizens, and the income tax is their favorite way to punish those who have the ambition to earn money to provide themselves and their families a better life.
It's not just the money lost that is the issue, it is the massive level of intrusion into our lives. Why is it that every last affair of ours measured in money has become the government's to know?
Taxation is NOT a four-letter word when it comes to sustaining the nation's necessity services like Mail, Air Traffic Control, Hospitals and Health Care, Highways, etc.

You get what you pay if you don't pay in advance with regulation, you'll pay in a larger way, with an economic collapse without regulation...your choice...
I went to the Index of the tax code to try to find the code section that made anyone liable for the income tax—and found that although there were liability statutes listed for over 40 other types of taxes, there was no code section that made anyone liable for an “income tax.” All of the other taxes had a specific code section that told clearly who was liable for a particular tax. “Income Tax” was not even listed! (In several meetings with IRS agents, I have offered to pay all taxes and penalties immediately if they would only show me which code section made me liable for the tax.)

Since we are only required to pay taxes for which we are liable, by the IRS’ own admission in the Privacy Act,.

I read further into the tax code, and learned that the liability issue was only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, and only hinted at the enormity of the fraud that had been perpetrated on the American public. This is explained in detail in Mr. Schiff’s books, as well as in books by other researchers--including former members of Congress. For example, Senator William Roth, former head of the Senate Finance Committee wrote The Power to Destroy, and former Congressmen George Hanson of the House Banking and Domestic Monetary Committees wrote To Harass our People. In addition, there is a growing number of well-documented websites on the internet which expose various aspects of the IRS fraud.
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