Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is it clear yet that the government has no real answers to the problems they created?

I am not talking parties... the problem is the decisions congress has made... many many years ago such as helping the money trust aka the federal reserve (read The Creature From Jekyll Island) into our financial lives... this is why Bernacke is able to suggest the recession may end in 2009... actually the more likely reason is that the population is getting a grip on whats going down and the government is afraid of a revolt by armed citizens... read the constitution... and be like Paul Revere... ready to ride and spread the alarm through every middlesex village and farm, for the country folk to get up and to arm...

The foreigners we have to deal with now are from europe again... the same financial thieves ... morgans, rothschilds, rockerfellers... aka the federal reserve...these are the ones a democrat and a republican assisted through ignorance and through self benefit to unconstitutionally hook into partnership with our government... so that the government doesnt have to go to the people to ask for a yes vote to finance various projects... they go to the fed who prints "money" thats not backed by gold and that my fellow american is partly why we are in the manufactured planned operation to force the population into poverty so they can be controlled as other 3rd world countries... while the higher ups (who by the way put their pants on just like the rest of us) can live in Ivory palaces. The point is that any person or nation who thinks they are going to be the ultimate ruler of planet earth is an athiest... remember we all die and do not take our stuff with us... Pray for our country... pray for our leaders... sincerely, they need it and we need it...Is it clear yet that the government has no real answers to the problems they created?
Of course! The answer is less government and what government is going to agree to that?
The American people need to be informed in mass to the fact that the federal reserve is responsible for the debt and that congress has the authority to abolish their involvement in our government...we could be out of debt before night, they have no constitutional right to rule our government period

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Is it clear yet that the government has no real answers to the problems they created?

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