Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and John Edwards are bought and paid for by the Council on Foreign Relations founded by David Rockefeller Jr., J.P. Morgan, W. Averell Harriman %26amp; as are almost all other candidates on both sides including their cabinets going back to Wilson.
After leaving his Bush Cabinet post, Tommy Thompson joined and served on the board of directors of Applied Digital Solutions, makers of VeriChip: glass-encapsulated RFID devices to be injected into human flesh for identification purposes and for use as a payment device.
BOTH parties use corporate news to sell lies to your family. The Fourth Branch of the govt (lame-stream media) have spent a century spinning away from their crimes!
Before the election 10 things to Google:
1) council on foreign relations
2) bilderberg group
3) skull %26amp; bones
4) masonic presidents
5) bohemian grove
6) albert pike manly hall lucifer
7) federal reserve jekyll island
8) prescott thyssen
9) ibm nazi
10) verichipAfter Bush Americans will select the next President very carefully at this crucial point in US history right?
At this point we have a real choice, a man that really does understand the problems, an honorable man that even tells the truth when most don鈥檛 want to hear, a congressional representative that has a long time voting record of 100% for the constitution and he may be the only man that truly understands our corrupt monetary system and has very workable solutions!
This Man is the Honorable rep. Dr. Ron Paul. Not since colonial times have we had a man of this caliber willing to run for office. He is a TRUE Christian unlike Dub-ya. We all need to actively support him any way you can. His opposition has literally $billions available to fight him. We need a real door to door grass roots movement. Do all you can as time is very short for this country and world. Lets get back to being the good guys for a change, enough march to bankruptcy and empire!
1) Innocuous, but the focus of paranoids
2)See #1
3) Creepy
4) Wildly exaggerated fear. Washington and Franklin were Masons, as were many of our Founders.
5) Not a problem! The all-male nudity is homoerotic, though.
6) WHAT?
8) WHO?
9) WHAT?
10) So what.
You have a paranoid personality disorder. Stop feeding it and get back to reality.After Bush Americans will select the next President very carefully at this crucial point in US history right?
That was not a question. It was the comment of paraniod delusional schezophrenia.. We always carefully pick from the field of candidates available... but just because we pick carefuly, does not mean we get good results. The uninformed cannot always chose well-- this is why we need a selection process rather than an election process, or at least run off elections.
Americans will probably remain asleep but it's nice to see you doing your part to wake a few up! I've been researching all of those subjects for years. My research intensified after 911 when certain things just didn't add up.
Wake up America! Do some READING! It's not too late.
I think there's some confusion. This is Yahoo Answers, not Yahoo Psycho Babble Paranoid Rants
I would'nt count on it to much cause if there was enough dumb as--s to put the geek in there in the first place, there just might be enough dumb as--s to keep the geek right where he is. Just look at the last mayoral election in Chas. W.Va. it's the same da-- thing.
The answer to your question is YES....We the people have this within our power to do so. Let's hope this election isn't stolen.
I would vote for Rush Limbaugh but he said he won't run because he doesn't want the pay cut. Or Profesor Walter Williams but he makes too much sense....
The problem is that we still use the electoral college. This dates back to when the average citizen was less informed than most elementary schoolers are today. Of course education does not necessarily mean wisdom. Furthermore, the electoral college is made up of people and people are thoroughly imperfect, including those who would presuppose themselves fit to serve in office.
As for your list of items to google, most of them are conspiracy drivel to begin with, not to mention that most Americans aren't even remotely aware them. In fact, there are only three things in your list that I would be concerned with. The masonic lodge (item 4 is an indirect reference), the federal reserve, and this verichip thing (which have been used in pets for years).
Furthermore, in order to properly select a president this cycle is going to be stickier than ever. We are still a nation at war, both within our borders and abroad. Unless we vote into office a president with a proven military track record, we are likely to commit the very war crimes that most liberals are already accusing the president of. To this end, I would not recommend either Obama or Clinton. Neither has NEVER served in uniform and hence do not understand the particulars of military service. In fact, I am quite skeptical of ALL present candidates at this point and am waiting for one of them to convince me that they are worth voting for.
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