chairman of the federal reserve? read the article The Creature from Jekyll Island... just put that in your browser and read it... if you really want to know why were having financial problems ... Do you know that congress is more important than the president and that the most powerful influence is the ?
Nancy Pelosi is the DEVIL.
lol vicky s i agreeDo you know that congress is more important than the president and that the most powerful influence is the ?
No, not really, because the president gets to appoint Supreme Court Justices and unfortunately they get to "make" laws rather than interpret them as they are supposed to. Most of the destruction of our constitution was by a Court that regulated rather than interpreted law.
Everyone feared Greenspan during his tenure.Now we know why. Pelosi, Reid and the rest of their gang need to go too.
Thanks Mike R
It was on the CBS evening news that our current economic problems stem from legislature that President Clinton signed, that Congress passed, that Alan Greenspan wanted.
So, our currenct economic problems stem directly from the Democrats!
But, it could not have happened if people had not used mortgages to buy houses they could not afford.
Thanks for bringing it up; most people don't bother to read/listen.
I wish we could get back to the way the country was founded and have Congress make the laws and the President enforce them. I hate how some many laws are set up by Rules or Executive Orders.
People seem to ignore the role of Congress on a regular basis. Particularly around here. It's as if it doesn't exist. Astounding.
And instead of blaming Bush for the war blame Congress. They voted for it. And you absolutely right the President's power pale in comparison to Congress's
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