Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Does my conspiracy nut friend Have any logic, and Do Conspiracy NUTS have any logic in GENERAL? MY STORY?

Ok so when I was younger I used to believe a lot of this conspiracy crap by Alex Jones until I started learning what a pile it is?

A friend of mind will call him bob for the sake of this story is always thinking their is some elaborate conspiracy behind everything since he listens to Alex Jones and these other nutters. We were having an argument about how the FEDERAL RESERVE WAS PRIVATE and how the NWO was taking over a few days ago.

For example I tried to tell Bob how to president i.e. an elected official appoints the board and president of the Federal Reserve; of course he put an immediate conspiracy behind that too about how the elections are rigged and the president is owned etc. etc.

So he gets mad at me and says how can you debate with me if you haven't even read the book The Creature From Jekyll island how can you debate me. Well I have this thing about looking to see whom is giving me information before I just take it at face value so he gets mad and he says I know what you are going to do, you are going to find some reason not to believe the Author G Edward Griffith.

So I looked at G Edward Griffith's web site i.e. the man who wrote the book The Creature From Jekyll island which is supposed to show the Federal Reserve is Private. His web site realityzone.com is a complete fantasy world from something of a science fiction novel.

What I find so retarded is how these conspiracy theorists don't see how this is an industry. He charges 20 dollars or more for a lot of his books in evil FEDERAL RESERVE CURRENCY. umm what I found especially funny is how he has a book that claims to show how cancer can basically be cured and how big pharma is screwing people.

Isn't he doing the same? I mean if I had some simple cure for Cancer it would be selfish of me to try and sell it to make a profit like pharma is doing. Being that I am a good person I would publish it on the internet for free I wouldn't think it was that important to get 20 bucks to cure your cancer FREE would be good. That's downright evil since he isn't even selling a product for the cure rather just information on what to do. It's like saying I have a cure for your cancer but I won't tell you until I have 20 bucks.

Of course the medical community knows that his theory on this if you ask 99% of docs with an actual DEGREE that it's a complete bunch of quackery anyway.

Worse he has chem-trail videos which are another absurd theory for the fact my uncle works for the FAA has spend thousands of hours in the sky and has said no such thing is being sprayed ohhh wait maybe he's owned now too right? hahaha Also there are videos of clouds of MOISTURE behind planes in the 1930s so this chem trail thing must be pretty extensive.

MY point is this is a conspiracy industry it's just another way to make money. IF you look at the sources of this information LOGICALLY though you can see G Edward Griffith is absolutely NO credible source for reliable information and therefore greedy and all information from him should be taken with a grain of salt.

How is it though that these conspiracy nuts are still convinced of the reliability of these people like Edward Griffith? There who play is that you are brainwashed if you don't believe them and just not educated enough when rather it appears they are brainwashed?Does my conspiracy nut friend Have any logic, and Do Conspiracy NUTS have any logic in GENERAL? MY STORY?
Conspiracy theorists feed off of the paranoia of those too lazy to learn about the complexities of economics and geo-politics. Alex jones provides these lazy folks with a one size fits all short cut to understanding these complexities, for a fee of course. It's a scam.
How do you know your piano is gay?Does my conspiracy nut friend Have any logic, and Do Conspiracy NUTS have any logic in GENERAL? MY STORY?
lol, DID NOT READ....
well the some i beleive in such as the nwo because there are a billion sighn and that 9/11 was caused by the government. because you cant deny something because you dont want it to be that way you have to accept the truth sometimes.
Conspiracy theories fail if you consider human nature... Most conspiracies of any size would require hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of people to agree to NEVER divulge any part of the theory... that defies human nature if a conspiracy were to exist...

In something as big as 9/11, depending on which of the crackpot theories you wish to believe, HUNDREDS of people would have to be convinced to take part in a horrendous act, and then remain silent for the rest of their lives... Never gonna happen
What if they're right? I don't think our government is competent enough to pull off some of the things that conspiracy theorists are telling us about, but I don't dismiss them entirely.

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