the legal right (AND CONGRESS KNEW ABOUT THE STIMULUS GOING TO AIG AND THEIR BONUS PRACTICES BACK IN NOVEMBER... NOW THEY ACT LIKE THEY HAD NO CLUE AND WANT TO LOOK LIKE THEY ARE TRYING TO DO WHATS RIGHT BY TELLING AIG TO PAY TAXES ON THIS BONUS MONEY... POINT THE FINGER AT THE GOVERNMENT NOT, AIG) by contract from our crooked and lying government by the co-operation of the unconstitutional federal reserve... whose family members include the Rockerfellers, Warburgs, Rothschilds, Morgans... read The Creature from Jekyll Island... true shocking history not taught in public schools as the "fed" controls our media, schools,... banks, credit cards, mortgages, is the IRS... thieves, crooks, counterfeiters... nothing new... and many americans are aware the "fed" prints more counterfeit, not backed by gold "money" which increases the federal debt that your property tax money is used to pay some on the interest of the federal debt... if you read the creature from jekyll island you will find out that the federal government was going bankrupt in the eary 1900s and in order to rectify that situation the 6 "Fed" families... rockerfellers warburgs... hooked up by congresses ***-istance and the federal government in their generosity with other peoples earned WAGES (which are not constitutionally taxable... only profits from corporate earnings are legitimately "income" and therfore taxable...) and so congress pledged all thats right ALL the united states to foot the FEDERAL GVT. bill and pay the FEDERAL GVTS debt to the crooked FED RES families...THIS IS WHY YOU PAY PROPERTY TAXES... sooooooooooooooooo if you believe that president obama is trying to fix our country you are a victim of the deception lies, trickery ... perpetrated by the crooked federal reserve families through our own government... YEAH YEAH I KNOW some who read this will say, 'we know all this and theres nothing we can do about it'... this is just the mentality that has allowed these scum to oppress the working people of America by unconstitutional taxation and God knows what else... Ron Paul is about the only one in congress who is telling the truth... i dont necessarily agree with all he says but most of what he says is factual and constitutional ... i personally think we should have invaded iraq and i think we should have made it an american territory...we bought it with American blood. I think we should take over saudia arabia instead of playing patty cake with other arab liars and terrorists, because we want to protect our oil interests... BS we have more than enough oil in America to cause the price of gas to be 23cents a gallon again but some thief is profiting by our dependence on foreign oil... bottom line, we all can and must do our part to keep America from the destruction Obama is operating against it by the controls of the "federal reserve" cartel families ... Christians we are responsible to pray for America!!! America you have a call a purpose... together we are able to obtain the mercy and help of God for America and those who need our help. Pray for our "leaders" though they are lying and stealing they will never get away with it... The all Seeing One never sleeps or slumbers... vengence is Mine says The Lord, I will repay... as my dad always said "PAYBACK IS A BITC#"AIG gave a $101,332.00 campaign contribution to Obama... did you know this? AIG received the stim money with?
You don't see the media asking Obama %26amp; Dodd why they are not giveing this money back either.I don't agree with everything you say.WW3 would start if you had your way.
there is more than WW3 on the way... things are going to get worse... much worse if we continue to keep our heads buried in the sand a let our leaders do unconstitutional things...
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AIG gave a $101,332.00 campaign contribution to Obama... did you know this? AIG received the stim money with?
there is more than WW3 on the way... things are going to get worse... much worse if we continue to keep our heads buried in the sand a let our leaders do unconstitutional things...
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