Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Are there any flaws with this ideal?

Part of the goals of the Venus Project would be to "reduce the human tendency towards individualism". Part of the goals of the Zeitgeist Movement would be "eradicating bias"

Conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin, paleoconservative author of The Creature from Jekyll Island criticized the film for promoting collectivist ideas, saying this program does not offer a cure. It offers a mega dose of the disease itself.

Radio host and paleoconservative conspiracy theorist Alex Jones gave the film a negative review, stating the film says good things but offers false solutions. He believes the film is like rat poison. 98% good, but the 2% kills you. According to Jones, Zeitgeist Addendum claims that it is greed which is the main driver behind the issues it presents, but Jones says it's not just about greed. It's about power. It's about centralizing power by the Globalizationists.

Sources: Wikipedia and www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/wiki

First of all, what does "reduce the human tendency towards individualism" mean?


1.The tendency for a person to act without reference to others, particularly in matters of style, fashion or mode of thought.

2.The moral stance, political philosophy, or social outlook that promotes independence and self-reliance of individual people, while opposing the interference with each person's choices by society, the state, or any other group or institution.

Source: Wiktionary

Based on this, how is individualism bad to them? They may want to eradicate bias, but I think the "reduce the human tendency towards individualism" is just collectivistic bias. On topic, what good would "eradicating bias" do for society.


The inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection

Source: Wiktionary

Doesn't bias also mean opinion? If so, then the Venus Project will take away the right to our opinions. If not, what could be wrong?

If you know any other flaws, feel free to raise them.Are there any flaws with this ideal?
All human beings are individuals. All human beings have opinions and biases. What tends to be lacking is 'mutual respect'. I do not agree with many things and beliefs but I do respect that everyone is entitled to their own point of view even when it differs to mine. I do not foist my viewpoint on anyone and I do not expect anyone to foist theirs on me. Vive la difference.
Their opinion is that everyone should have their opinion. If you beg to differ you are wrong.Are there any flaws with this ideal?
Yeah- but I'm not going to tell you what :)

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