Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Barack's wife is Council on Foreign Relations so is Hillary, last time it was two Bonesmen is US media a joke?

Now two CFR women this is to obvious do you not think the CFR will just continue to feed the Corporations/Military Ind-Complex and continue to take freedoms away from the average American under the banner of fighting "terror" while taking away American sovereignty in the way Bush Sr. described in his plan for a"New World Order". The Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg Group,

Bohemian Grove, Skull %26amp; Bones of BOTH parties use

corporate news to tell lies to your children. The

Fourth Branch of the govt (lame-stream media) have

spent a century spinning away from their crimes!

Teachers and Professors blind you to the true History

of America and how it was retold by the winners:



(Google: federal reserve jekyll island, prescott

thyssen, ibm nazi) these evil puppet masters do the

bidding of their corporate paymasters who are so

afraid of the average American realizing they have

been stealing not only our FREEDOMBarack's wife is Council on Foreign Relations so is Hillary, last time it was two Bonesmen is US media a joke?
Wow...I don't use news media as pretty much anything...on occasion I will use it as a starting point to discover the truth for myself...I really don't know many intelligent people who do...

are you alright?
It is a Joke, intelligent people dont, use the news media for informationBarack's wife is Council on Foreign Relations so is Hillary, last time it was two Bonesmen is US media a joke?
I truly welcome and appreciate your views, couldn鈥檛 have said it better myself!

The only thing you left out is the CFR鈥檚 total control over our monetary system through the Federal Reserve and how they are controlled by this same Bilderberg group. The goal of this group of devil worshiping scumbags is total totalitarian control of the whole world! And yes they own most of the media and totally manage our news.
interesting but unsurprising --. only insiders get media coverage
There are arguments over the nature of this body that have persisted since its inception. I'm only inclined to believe half of what either side has to say on the matter.

If this is a group bent on the dismantling of our liberties, then what we must ALL do is remove the incumbents of our government, in total.

Although, I doubt the pure "sinister" assertions made by the conspiracy theorist regarding CFR, I believe 100% in cleaning out our House! There are too many that have sat upon their laurals doing nothing but keeping their own interests afloat.

Since setting up term limits would mean that our Reps would lose a job come the limit of their terms, it is not likely that they will EVER do this to themselves.

We need a "Constitutional Convention." This will be the only recourse we have to ensure that our representatives are representing us, rather than making themselves careerists.
As stated in your blog the US media is a joke. Why, you may ask; back in the 1950 Joseph McCarthy exposed the Communist spy rings working in this country. Ultimately they got him discredited and only three were really exposed. The others were left working. One was left in the news media, which continues to this day. Another went into the Democratic party and hid, working ever so deeply promoting there liberal party members into seats of power in our government You can see them today in our congress and Senate, you know them, Ted, Nancy, Hiliary, Harry, to name a few.

As time went on and these spy rings or Communist fronts began expanding unopposed into every area open to them. our education system is controlled by the NEA, which is noting more than a communist front. The ACLU, was set up specifically to defend communists. The founder and leaders are card carrying communist, just look at their record and it's anti- American agenda.

You all must understand that the Bush family is a Illuminati family and that George Bush or President will only follow the Illuminati world plan. That is why he will not support Conservative values or ways. He will not support the constitution of the United States if it conflicts with the world plan. In a word he and every other politician who follows this plan is a traitor!

To fully understand all this you need to go on line and study the Illuminati and their plans. Good hunting. GENRCW

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