whoever said the republicans are 100% right? I detest the lies we Americans have been fed by our congress and other elected representatives...for many many years... and i am much more than angry at that fact. whether our officials are republican or democrats they all need change. corruption is obviously rampant there have been grave injustices greed, selfishness, bribery... you name it... so what are we Americans going to do about it??? elect a socialistic, marxist, communistic, admitted murderer of the unborn and the botched aborted innocents, a robbin hood who wants to take working peoples money and give it to the non working?, a confessed favorer of the muslim, beheaders who have killed our friends, neighbors, family, firemen, policemen with the world trade towers attack??? what the heck should be done and how are we the people who do not have access to the media, nor to lobbiest or the hollywood intellectuals... going to rectify the ills evils corruption ... and dispicable attrocities in what was the greatest most blessed nation on the face of the earth??? the LESSER of 2 evils is McCain... he is no pure republican his record shows that. do i agree with him 100% absolutely not... I have learned some history that has been kept from the American student and it tells of the warnings from our founding forefathers regarding the control of private banks... (the FEDERAL RESERVE) read: The Creature from Jekyll Island... you will be utterly shocked that the ignoramous congress were deceived by the worlds 6 wealthiest families around 1913 in order to bail the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT out of bankruptsy ... how congress chose to make all yes all the states be responsible for the repayment to these 6 wealthiest families for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS debt... this is why you do NOT own your own home this is why you pay unconstitutional taxes... you never really own your home you my fellow American are LEASING it... this is why you pay unconstitutional property taxes... oh sure you brainwashed person ... you think HOW would our streets be maintained etc... let me tell you there are legitimate taxes but property taxes is NOT one of them... Oh i could go on but I will tell you i do not think for one second these issues will be rectified... this earth is on its last legs... what a terrible shame... what a horrible mess we have birthed children into... how ignorant we are... Obama is sooooo right that we need change but he will not bring the real change we need nor will McCain however, the change Obama will bring will bring the end of America a whole lot sooner... sad sad sad to say... your very lives are at stake... think of your children...what do want to leave them with???
true history: The Creature from Jekyll Island is a good place to start... put that in your internet browser and vomit when you read the trap America was ensnared with thanks to the ignorant congress at that time...
What are we going to do about our country... the once respected and purer USA? ?
Write in your complaint to your US President. He will gladly assist you. www.obama.casablanca.com
Dang, why is your explanation so long. Mr. prophet shut the f*** up, you nor any other conservative sinner can't see into the future. There is nothing pure about America, the people who make up this great nation all have flaws. What are we going to do about our country... the once respected and purer USA? ?
Biblically, we have gotten exactly what we desreve - study chemistry and physics - what goes around comes around.
Hopefully enough people wake up before the fourth to elect McCain so the healing can begin.
Mccain is Bush. Why do you like the slowing economy and having your jobs sent away? Obama is not a Marxist, you dolt!
What are you talking about? Crack destroys brain cells.
You go girl.
nice rant, dude.
Oh my head hurts!
if you are as well read about the Fed Reserve. Then you believe that this depression is the creation of the Fed Res. And there is no such thing as Free election when the Money Owners endorses the politician with enough money to tell the public any lie to get themselves into office. Niether McCain nor Obama can change the economic disaster that is coming. Niether is better except that if there is a NAA (north american alliegence) Obama can win vs Mexico and Canada. McCain would lose.
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