The Canadian students didnt want Ann Coulter talking at their college... I think it is terrible how the USA healthcare has a provision in it to cause a rise in college tuition... nice way to treat our young people. Unfortunately some of our government officials need to think of legislation to drastically reduce their pay and help our homeless veterans, our young people... I wonder what the young people think about their vote for Barack Obama now that they are having to pay more for college and quite possibly... not be able to find work once they graduate...thanks to the government of the USA allowing the federal reserve families (read The Creature from Jekyll Island) in 1913 into our financial business... printing fiat "money" not backed by gold causing our national debt to be astronomical, ... read the book and get the biggest shock of your life regarding the United States... I think you will agree with the opinion of Ronald Reagan that the federal government (which is REALLY run by the unconstitutional federal reserve... the IRS...) is our worst enemy...Ann coulter hate speech?
This so called "health care bill" is about so many things that have nothing to do with health care.
Raising college tuition's should not be in the health care bill
Yes, the dollar in the US is becoming worthless with government spending out of control.
For those new to the topic, this site has a ton of information explaining why gold is such a strong investment option and how to get started for the small beginning investor.Ann coulter hate speech?
Unfortunately, because capitalism is corrupt, we learned from the recent Wall St. and Banking catastrophe, that you can't let the fox watch the hen-house. Government watch-dogs are a must. The financial crisis started when Reagan dismantled Big Government.
Just listened to her ranting on the Joy Behar Show. Coulter is an absolut idiot. Can never figure out why ANYbody listens to her.
I can't stand this woman to look at her, or listen to her voice. As soon as she's on the screen the channel changes.
coulter is disgusting looking
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