References- Zeitgeist the movie , the creatures in jekyll island (book) , the Rockefeller time line look it up you can find some really good infoFederal reserve - if its such a monopoly how come the people dont unite to overcome this centralized bank?
Guys, you really need to watch INTERVIEW WITH AARON RUSSO and his movie FROM FREEDOM TO FASCISM to find out what’s going on. Also Sherry Peel Jackson is a great Freedom Fighter.
I lived in socialism for 18 years. I was 18 when it broke down in Czechoslovakia. I listened to Czech broadcast of Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, BBC etc since I was 13, so I knew the truth while lies were all around you - in media, at school - everywhere. When I told a friend just a piece of what I knew, he thought I got crazy. You would call it “a conspiracy theorist”. And yet, I was right, and all who believed I got crazy believe in the same things today which they found mad at that time. You would believe in this because it is someone else, another country, socialism etc. You can’t believe it is happening to you in EU, USA, everywhere - you can’t believe you are being lied every single today from all mainstream media and the truth is carefully hidden and all those people who have the courage to see and say what’s going on are being ridiculed to make you believe they got crazy and you are smart. Yes, when you believe everything you’re told at school, by mainstream media and by your government - you are “smart” - or really? - you are the normal dim sheep that will be praised. Slave who believes everything he’s told is a good slave, isn’t he? The problem actually is - that the problem is too big for people to think with it. You take everything from them and they get confused and scared - by telling them the full scope of truth. Also, people just cannot face the fact there are evil people who will not hesitate to kill millions for their own profit. They may have US passport but they don’t care who gets killed - they care for billions coming in. It’s not US government, who pulled off 9/11, of course. It’s people above them - the international bankers - the same people who owe your private central bank Federal Reserve issuing all American currency that is lent to US government on interest that is paid by your income tax - both of which is actually in violence with your original US Constitution - central bank and income tax. EU and USA are heading to socialism not by a revolution - not by a sudden change - but by the small steps. You’d better wake up.
I can tell you how socialism broke down in my country in 1989. It started when people stopped being afraid. There were students in the street and they were beaten by police brutally for nothing. Then, a rumor was spread that a student was beaten to death. Suddenly, you saw people wearing a black strip on their arms! That was big. You couldn‘t do anything - even such a small thing - anything that would disapprove the regime or what the regime did - you couldn‘t do that without consequences for you and your family. And suddenly, you saw people - publicly - in streets - wearing black strips! That was an act of a disapproval. They were not afraid of consequences for themselves and their families any more. And other people saw those guys were not afraid. And more people started to wear these strips and the strips were changed for blue-red-white strips - colors of Czechoslovakian national flag. And me and my friends bought strips too. And more people joined while seeing that so many people were not afraid and that so many people could not possibly be persecuted as there were already too many people involved. And then some artists and singers disapproved publicly what happened which encouraged even more people and there were flyers everywhere on walls criticizing socialism etc. So, first people who were not afraid to protest publicly motivated more people to protest which encouraged even more people and celebrities and suddenly it was the whole nation. Suddenly it was the government guys who were afraid. That‘s the way. You need even more and more people who stop being afraid of consequences and stop paying income tax. How can you sue the whole nation? You need more and more people who will speak and disapprove private central bank publicly. More and more people who will ?bother“ your senators, congressmen, president and other officials. Don‘t stop never give up. Do you remember the movie I think it was The Shawshank Redemption where the guy sent a letter from prison every month and then every week for several years till he got money for improving the prison library? You need to do this beside other things. You are already millions who know what‘s going on. You need to send letters - every week - the same letter or with small changes - keep sending letters every week or every month till you get officials to face it and deal with it. Ignore or acknowledge no-answers letters and send more letters. If they tell you it is not a priority and they will not deal with it - get more people and keep sending them letters. They‘ll deal with it finally - I can promise you that. You can start publish a magazine or newspaper and inform more people and get more support. And more demonstrations.
Because most people don't even know it exists. They just assume their money comes from Congress.Federal reserve - if its such a monopoly how come the people dont unite to overcome this centralized bank?
Most people believe that the federal reserve is a government agency, necessary to maintain and regulate our "economy" is not.
Our money is worthless now! Why would we want to break the illusion that is keeping the country going?
Because if it is 'overcome' as you put it, the economy would be in even worse a state.
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