Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Have you ever seen a ghost on Jekyll Island, GA ?

I was walking between two of the Club's cottages and looked up. The lights were on ( they are wired for electricity now). Anyway, I saw a figure in the window. I thought it was a worker. Then, after thinking about it, I remembered that it did not have a face. I think it was the ghost of a Rockofeller ( sorry if that isn't spelled right) woman that was related to the Goodyears( this was at Goodyear Cottage)Have you ever seen a ghost on Jekyll Island, GA ?
I live about an hour from Brunswick/Jekyll Island. I have heard many ghost stories come off of that island. I don't know about the goodyear house. I'm horrible with names. But I have heard of ghosts in that area.
Been to Jekyll Island tons of times, and never saw that.

I think your mind is playing games on you.

:-)Have you ever seen a ghost on Jekyll Island, GA ?
IDK..but I'll bet there are some at Cumberland Island, Fl...where the Carnegies used to live. You oughta go there.It's pretty neat. that's where "John John" got married.
I'm not discrediting the possibility, but you have to remember that if it is at night and there isn't much light the shadows can cause things to look very different. It could have very well been a living person, but with the way the lighting was it didn't illuminate their face.
No I have not.

What is more likely, that you saw a person and the face didn't register or that a magical entity was walking around, complete in every human detail except for its face?

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